Aurora Borealis, Norway

It’s all about the light

Oldervik NorwayIt is ALL about the light.

It is true. If you want the viewer to engage emotionally with an image, you need interesting light. This is especially true of interiors photography but really applies across the board.

I found some amazing light in Arctic Norway at the beginning of the year. I was fortunate enough to be invited to accompany an expedition by to view the Northern Lights / Aurora Borealis. Of course the Aurora was totally awesome but what really knocked me out was the amazing light bought about by the shortness of the day. The sun never rose above the horizon but we did have enough light to photograph for a few hours each day. On one day, I swear I could see into the night by looking down the fjord to the north and into the day by looking up it to the south.

Arctic NorwayOldervik Norway

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